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During the 30-second drill, security and North Seattle Community College's emergency wardens activated bullhorn sirens.? At the sound of the siren, participants were asked to drop to the floor, cover their head (or get under their desk/table) and hold the position until the siren ended.

View video of the morning drill at NSCC.

Additional drills are planned for October 6, 2008 at 10:45 a.m. and 6:45 p.m.

Prepare yourself for an emergency by visiting these important resources on the Web:

-The Office of Emergency Management at the City of Seattle, with the help of SCCtv's Iris Education, created an informative, interactive disaster preparedness training site.? To learn what steps you need to take to be prepared visit Seattle's Web-based training.

-Visit North's security website for more details on what to do in an emergency:

-For more information about the state initiative to enhance campus safety, visit: