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Free Programming

...for College and University Television Stations! SCCtv has created hours of great programming that we offer to any college or university television station free of charge. If you see something you're interested in broadcasting on your College or University station, let us know.
Broadway High School

SCCtv became involved with the Broadway High School Alumni Association as the group prepared for their final reunion. SCCtv produced a documentary, Broadway Pride, focused on this final gathering of students who attended the school, which closed in 1945. SCCtv has since created a website as a repository for information on Seattle's first dedicated high school. Click here to visit the website. While you're there, click on "Broadway Pride" in the navigation bar to watch the documentary Broadway Pride.
Did You Know?

There are lots of free online resources to help you with various aspects of your education. Here are just a few links to tutorials, speeches, lectures and other educational material from several organizations, including colleges and universities, around the world:
Khan Academy iTunes U! Academic Earth Big Think HippoCampus Open Educational Resources (OER) Commons Curriki WikiEducator Online Tutorial Resources